What Do We Do?

The sole mission of The Institute for the Public Trust is to find, recruit and train the next generation of great leaders for the next century for the state of North Carolina and the nation. Seldom do we see people of such caliber and talent offer to run for any public office nowadays. They are ‘out there’; they just don’t run for political office anymore for a wide range of reasons. The Institute for the Public Trust is committed to changing their minds by teaching them how modern American politics really operates and why they should be part of the solution and not part of the problem by staying on the sidelines.

How We Achieve Our Goal:

Finding Great Leaders

The Institute has trained a retired Rear Admiral from the US Navy; two 3-star retired Air Force Generals; over 50 Morehead-Cains, 25 Robertson Scholars, over 100 Park Scholars at NC State and over 100 Abshire/Stanford Civic Scholars at the Baylor School in Chattanooga, TN. CEOs, financial managers, accountants, nurses, physicians, architects, engineers and other experts from all walks of life have come through our training program to get ready to bring those private sector talents and experience into the public arena to help solve the massive problems we face as a nation and state.

Training Great Leaders

The Institute has 72 experts in all aspects of running for elective office and then serving as a great elected leader. We bring in the top experts from Washington, DC and around the nation to train our classes on everything from setting up a campaign, raising money for it, when and how to do polling to writing a great stump speech that isn’t boring; putting on makeup for television interviews and how to avoid saying something that will kill your campaign in 6 words or less, as many sadly have done over the years.

Electing Great Leaders

The goal of The Institute is to have every student run at least one time for elective office during their lifetime.  Over 50 students have either run for public office now or been appointed to a government position, commission or board which probably would not have happened had they not come through The Institute. Graduates include a US Congressman; four current members of NCGA and 2 former members; several city or town council members; school board members and state administration appointees and officials.

Know Somebody Who Should Be in Elective Office…But Isn’t Already?

Will You Help Financially?

The Institute is a non-partisan non-profit 501c(3) organization. We need your financial support to be able to continue this important training work of our very best leaders. If you don’t want to run for public office, contributing to The Institute for the Public Trust so we can train others like you is the next best thing you can do to help turn things around in our democratic republic.